Emerging Islands Emerging Islands

Abuse and Harassment in the PH Arts Industry: EILU Response and Resources


Sexual harassment and abuse continue to be a pervasive and often overlooked issue in the Philippine arts and culture landscape. For artists, often working on their own freelance and personal practice, there are limited structures for seeking support when forms of abuse happen within an industry that is built on fragile personal relationships - an industry that rarely holds perpetrators into account. 

As Emerging Islands seeks to support Filipino artists, it is important to us to ensure that spaces for artists are safe. Artists who are victimized or abused should also have access to support, advice, and confidentiality, without fear of retribution or exclusion from within the arts industry. 

We have compiled resources relevant to the Philippines that may help artists should they find the need for professional help.


In Touch Helpline Referral List - A comprehensive rolodex of relevant VAW organisations in the Philippines, from counseling to legal to medical. With helplines and contact information.

Tips for Friends and Family - Tips for how to support survivors

Female Artists Using Their Practice to Speak Up on Abuse

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